Now three o’clock in the morning. But you do not sleep. You guy, has on the sly slipped out bed that “to check up e-mail”. Aha. Almost 100 % of men at least looked once a porno on the Internet. But one business to look – and absolutely another – to use an Internet pornography as replacement of the present sex with you. Many women ask today themselves a question – whether not «how to grow thin by the summer» or «not too thick I I look in this dress» – and «what to do if I catch my partner behind Internet porno viewing?». A question very actual – the pornography still never was such accessible, and men have immediately hastened to use this case under the full program. So, by results of poll spent to the USA, 97 % of men admitted, what came on web sites to look babe, and 2 more % have preferred to refrain from the answer (tell, what it, if not a recognition?). The majority of men regard the Internet porno as harmless entertainment: employment to brighten up your absence while you walk with girlfriends, or it leaves in business trip. But some men indulge in this employment with unreasonable eagerness, preferring virtual sex of real affinity with the girl or even the wife.
Let’s look to truth in eyes: at actresses of a porno not only more fervently breasts and more a flat stomach stick out. Has put at all in it. Simply they are ready on all – and then as it will be wanted by the man. The head never is ill them. They do not use sex for extortion or emotional blackmail. They never complain, do not stir without business, they do not need to be driven in restaurant, at cinema. They do not demand compromises and do not force itself to ask long. It is necessary to press only the reproduction button – and the man receives instant intensive visual sexual stimulation plus self-satisfaction improvised (literally) means. Pleasure for the lazy. All of you still be perplexed, why millions man prefer the Internet porno to sex in real?
However in moderate quantity and in hands of clever, developed and emotionally mature man of the Internet porn – and a pornography as a whole – rather harmless hobby. Therefore the first council – do not panic. The pornography is attractive to men for many reasons, and they not so such terrible as you represent to yourselves (i.e. your guy – not necessarily sexual maniac).
Basically, you even can like a pornography, and you can pour with favorite its “hobby”. One my acquaintance has found out recently a bookmark on a site with porno rollers in the browser on the computer of the husband and has immediately left the indignant message in vocal mail. But female curiosity has got the best. A little, it, overcoming disgust, nevertheless has decided to look that especial in it a porno. Finally, it has reconsidered a heap of any videos and was terribly got from lesbian games – the theme favorite by the majority of men and consequently widely presented on all porno sites. After the first angry message it has quickly dictated the second: «come home Faster! Your porno has really got me!» Now it same – if not big – fan of the Internet porno, as well as her husband.
Sex: virtual sex or real?
It is possible to be engaged in virtual sex at any time. Thousand beautiful women always to its services. And your mood, my dear reader, it is impossible to foresee. The man not only should be reconciled with monthly, ПМС, a headache and the hatred periods to associates because of a diet, but to wait, when you will deign to come to the necessary mood.
Virtual sex sites promises immediate satisfaction. To be raised, it is necessary to click few times only with a computer mouse – and you become the witness of the “hottest” caresses. The prelude is not necessary. It especially involves lonely men who are not able to find the approach to the woman and to get acquainted, inviting the pleasant lady to a supper in restaurant, i.e. to do all got ritual previous sex. Even to men who have a constant girlfriend or the wife, it is necessary to make some efforts to receive the wished: to embrace, kiss and spend any time for preliminary caresses. Only after that the man can count on intim (as a rule, standard, it is frequent even without such “exotic”, as oral or anal sex). For sex with the constant partner, whatever you may say, it is necessary to make efforts, after all it is necessary to take into consideration its desires. For sex at the screen of the monitor the partner is not necessary. Let’s repeat, virtual sex – sex for lazy. Quite often men living with the constant partner, are engaged with it in sex of all once a week, and virtual sex – some times.
One more “plus” of such sex – choice possibility. It is possible to choose all: from participants and plots to “configurations” and styles. Come on a standard porno site – we promise that some surprises to you are guaranteed. Here it is possible to find such forms of rapprochement about which existence you, probably, at all did not suspect, not to mention every possible variations of classical themes. Anal sex, sex with fetish, oral sex, sex with women with a small and big breast, sex with mechanical and electric toys, a rigid porno, lesbian and a gay porno, orgies… And it is far not the complete list. Any visitor of a porn site will find on it video on the taste and can satisfy the most courageous imaginations. The majority of men has some favorite sites on which it is presented video in their taste.
Virtual sex occupies some minutes. Men are raised fastest by visual stimulation, therefore a porno – that is necessary for them. Five minutes – so much time is necessary for the man to satisfy itself while you left to take away mail or to buy products in the nearest shop.
In virtual sex there is no soul and feelings. The man does not feel communication with the woman on the screen. Between them there is no affinity, there is no emotional contact. Sometimes absence of emotional bond – that is necessary for the man but if intimate life of the man is reduced to virtual sex, it constantly feels an emotional dissatisfaction that can lead to neurosis and other frustration of sincere sphere.
The man thinks that sex with virtual partners – destiny of losers. If the man is lonely, and affinity with real women for it a rarity, he often reflects and asks itself a question: “why I do not have sex with the present girls?! What with me not so?!» Doubts in own importance often prevent to take pleasure in virtual sex to the full.
In virtual sex there is no feedback. Certainly, if only he has not sex with the real girl by means of the Web-chamber, the man cannot influence in any way an event. In real life all differently.
There is nobody insult after sex. At virtual sex there is no corporal contact. The man can pretend, as if is indifferent to caress after sex, but it likes this part of love games not less, than to you (but he falls asleep earlier).
When it is necessary to start worrying?
Women often find out hobby of the man of the Internet porno, is casual (certainly, is casual), having opened magazine of the visited sites in the Internet browser. To tell the truth, if you “will come across” sites with a traditional porno (quite often lesbian), which man visits two-three times a week, it is not necessary to dramatize events and immediately to leave to mum or to sue for divorce. If you lead the high-grade and regular sexual life, found “compromising evidence” yet does not say that it affinity with you as from time to time likes to satisfy itself. Most likely, it concerns virtual sex as to innocent entertainment and means to diversify sexual life.
Also it is not necessary to panic, if it will appear that you are not similar to its favorite porno actresses. It does not mean that he wants to see in the bed not you, but them, or that he wants, that you resembled them outwardly, or even repeated in a reality their erotic outbursts. It is not excluded that during the moments when it would like not love, and dirty sex, it is raised by such type of women. Hardly probable he will want to meet the heroine of the sexual imaginations in a reality. Besides, quite often men look a porno with such plots in which never would venture to take part.
As signal to meditations should serve a porno with participation of minors or especially rough sex (rape, especially documentary records). Probably, to you it is necessary not only to look narrowly more attentively at your partner, but also to address in militia.
Also should guard predilection for certain style of a porno – let even this predilection will be absolutely innocent – for example, love to huge busts or backs. If you find in its computer only “a specialized” porno, its brain, consciousness so, and a penis gradually are guided only by this concrete activator, and soon traditional sex cannot raise it any more. If see on the screen of women with a bust of 4 sizes, and at you – 1 or 2, prepare to that sooner or later at you problems in bed will begin.
One more reason for anxiety – sex with you has come to naught, and your partner is engaged in virtual sex regularly. And truth, is a problem. What to do in this case?
Real sex is not present, and virtual sexual life rages?
If its sexual inclination to you has weakened, and he spends more and more time at office in front of the monitor screen, is not excluded that he prefers to affinity with you virtual sex. In that case the plan is necessary to you. First, try not to become hysterical and not to give out the irritation. More often this problem can be solved quite peace means – if to approach to the decision from the correct party.
By the way, it at all does not mean that your man has absolutely lost to you interest. Often such problem arises in enough mature, checked up relations only because the man… Has grown lazy. It is lazy to look after you how you have got used. The matter is that after a year of relations development of hormones of a sexual inclination is gradually slowed down. The passion any more does not overtake it unexpectedly as happened before when you only have started to meet; now it should make efforts to create the necessary mood. For this man also look a porno. That’s all. If you think of hobby of your partner for a pornography thus, you will feel quieter and will not lose self-trust. Besides, in your forces to solve this problem. So…
- Discuss a situation with the partner. Admit that you know about it “a small secret”, but will make it whenever possible easily and easy, without finding out relations. For example, tell that is casual digged magazine in its Internet browser and have found out that he regularly visits sex sites or that have casually found him behind this employment. At all do not express condemnation and do not begin conversation by words «As you could!». Joke – a pier is better, porn actresses see it more often, than you and soon will start to learn. Or argue with it that it will not hold on weeks (or two) without “entertainment”. He for certain begins to object that without effort will refuse virtual sex – nobody likes to recognize the dependence – and here to you and it is necessary to take it at word. To inform it that you in an event course, without having forced it to feel thus the fault – the first step to a solution of a problem.
- When you all the same have sex, try to have a ball and make what never did before (certainly, without breaking prudence border). One of the reasons on which men so love a pornography – its obscenity. Give vent to instincts and realize the most unrestrained imaginations. Use not standard lexicon. Talk bawdy. Masturbate at it in the face of. Wants a porno? Let it will receive it – in your execution!
- Stop to ask sex – become the initiator of affinity. Instead of offering «Darling, can, we will have sex?», try to raise its imagination visually – for these threads pulls a porno – having shown the desire and readiness for sex. Go on the house of the bared. Arrange a striptease. “Casually” walk on the house in underwear and barefoot persons on a hairpin. Excite its imagination!
- Try fast sex. One of “pluses” of virtual sex – its speed. Nobody asserts that sex every time should be fast, but also the exhausting sexual marathon not always will be pleasant to the man. Try to masturbate quickly to be raised. Allow to the partner to have a rest – periodically use a position “the woman from above”.
- Give to it pleasure which cannot give virtual sex. The man which one hand operates the computer mouse cannot precisely make that, and another is occupied by masturbation, – to reach an orgasm thanks to anal stimulation. Massage it in a direction to an anus or use other means of stimulation.
- That you did, do not forbid it to look a porno. As it is known, the forbidden fruit is attractive doubly.